El Hueco at Discoteca

hq, 136 Frome St, Adelaide

lots of space

The space is part of: Discoteca

Not Accessible

  • The Venue doesn't have a designated accessible unisex toilet or hasn't made alternative arrangements nearby for an accessible unisex toilet.
  • Not accessible for any other reason.

More venue accessibility details

Detailed venue and space accessibility

Main venue accessibility information


There are 0 stairs at the main entrance.

Car parking

No designated wheelchair accessible car parking.

Drop off point

No wheelchair accessible drop off/pick up area near this venues entrance.

The path of travel from the street or drop off point to the entrance is not level, firm and obstacle free, please be aware: xcdc

Box Office

No box office available at this venue.

Toilet facilities

No designated wheelchair accessible unisex toilets.

Food and Drink

Food and drink available but the service areas are not accessible.

Main venue accessibility images

This performance space accessibility information


Not all internal pathways, including to and from seating are well lit.

Wheelchair companions

There is no space for a service animal to be with a patron.

No space for a carer/partner/companion to sit directly next to the patron using a wheelchair.

Venue comfort

This space doesn't have air conditioning.

This space doesn't have seats with armrests.

This space has seats with backrests.

This space doesn't have a designated area for people to wait in line.

Number of wheelchair spaces in this space


Additional information


Adelaide Fringe is committed to continually improving accessibility measures. Please reach out if you have any concerns.

Opening hours

Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Venue information

  • Phone


  • Facilities
    • Licenced bar facilities
    • Food facilities
  • Venue age restriction

    Venue is suitable for all ages


hq, 136 Frome St, Adelaide

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