46 Cowan St, Angle Park
The main entrance to the venue has step-free access suitable for people using mobility aids.
Wheelchair accessible entrance will be available by a temporary ramp.
No designated wheelchair accessible car parking.
No wheelchair accessible drop off/pick up area near this venues entrance.
The path of travel from the street or drop off point to the entrance level, firm and obstacle free.
No box office available at this venue.
Designated wheelchair accessible unisex toilet/s.
46 Cowan St, Angle Park, SA 5010
Please note:
Not all shows may be performing in an accessible performance space. Please check the details of the performance space specific to your performance.
Adelaide Fringe is committed to continually improving accessibility measures. Please reach out if you have any concerns.
Venue is 18+ and minors may attend during specific days or times (From 9 am to 4pm)
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